
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dia De Los Muertos

To start the new school year off I decided to have them make a project to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead). It is a Mexican holiday that takes place on Nov. 1st and 2nd to celebrate the lives of friends and family members who have passed away. Perfect project to have hanging in the halls during Oct. and Nov. The decorations used during Day of the Dead are full of color, pattern and design.

We first folded our paper then drew half of our skull and cut that out. We focused on The Elements of Art to produce the line design on our skull. The key is to have a balanced composition... Not too much and not too little. I stress to the kids to have clean and organized thoughts on paper. No scribble scrabble! Trace with a thin sharpie then color in with thin crayola makers.

We used a colorful background paper then traced the length of a ruler on all 4 sides to create a nice border. The border is painted with bright, bold fluerscent paint. Glitter is then added to the borders for a touch of sparkle. We glued the skull in the center of the background paper and our beautiful Day of the Dead skulls are finished!

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